Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stun Guns And TASERs - They Are Different

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By Jim Wilkinson

Stun gun, TASER, which is which? Are they the same thing? A lot of people use the words "stun gun" when they should be using "TASER". There are a lot of important differences between the two. If you read in the news that an officer used his stun gun on a suspect it would most likely mean he used his TASER.

When you are thinking about buying a self defense weapon for personal protection more than likely you will consider buying a stun gun or TASER. They are both effective but there are substantial differences between the two. Knowing what the differences are will help guide you when you make your self defense weapon choice. You will be able to choose the one that best meets your needs.

Stunguns are effective approximately 85% of the time when they are used against attackers. When there are people who are high on drugs or just very aggressive the effect may not be as good at all. Especially if the stun gun is of a lower voltage. A TASER has an effectiveness of almost 100% and you will never have to worry if you will be able to put the attacker to the ground or not. The incapacitation rate of a TASER is higher than even a 9mm handgun and you aren't even hurting the person permanently as you would with the 9mm bullet.

Stun guns use a high voltage and very low amperage to introduce electrical current into the body. You can find stun guns rated at 100,000 volts all the way up to about 3,000,000! The key is that voltage has a low amperage behind it. Now the TASER uses only about 50,000 volts but employs a higher amperage to introduce the electrical signal into an assailant's body. It will have an effect on someones nervous system and muscular skeletal system. The stun gun effects only the nervous system. By effecting both systems the TASER tends to be more effective.

Another difference is the distance between you and an attacker that must be considered in order to use your self defense weapon. With a stun gun you must be touching an attacker whereas with a TASER you can keep about 15 feet between you and the aggressor. It is nice to have that extra space.

If the cost of your self defense weapon is a factor in making your decision then you should know there is a big difference in the prices. For around $100 you can buy the latest model, most powerful stun gun available. Not bad really. If your decision is to buy a TASER then be prepared to spend at least $300 up to about $500. Knowing that the TASER is the most effective self defense weapon today might also help you decide.

At one time the size difference between a TASER and a stun gun was dramatic. It was not unusual to see stun guns about 10 inches tall and look bulky! That has all changed today. Most stun guns are available in a wide range of sizes. From around 3 inches in height to about 9 inches. The TASER International company offers two models of the TASER to civilians. They are the TASER C2 and the TASER X26C. The X26c resembles a regular handgun and is held as such. The C2 is small, fits in the palm of your hand and does not look like a self defense weapon.

When making your choice of a self defense weapon keep these differences in mind. 100% effectiveness for the TASER, 85 % or so for the stun gun. With a stun gun you must get extremely close to the attacker, with the TASER you can stay up to about 15 feet away. The TASER will cost you 3 to 5 X more then the stun gun.

Both stun guns and TASERs are effective, worthwhile, self defense weapons. Whichever one you choose will help protect you when needed.

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