Sunday, March 11, 2012

Considerations To Make Before Starting Vertical Urban Gardening

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By Kathy Panzieri

With the busy city life most people commit themselves to it is not easy to find time to practice some farming. However, there are those who commit a bit of their time to vertical urban gardening because they enjoy it and would like to give their city home a rural aura. On the other hand, this is something that requires a lot of commitment and adequate preparations.

The first step is identification of the space available. Most city lives are in overcrowded apartments and may not even provide adequate air and sunlight for the plants. This is mostly because of the tall buildings that shade off most of the little sunlight available. Thus, the amount of space one has determines largely the type of farming technique to undertake.

Vertical urban gardening is a choice for many when considering the space factor. This is mostly because it utilizes very little space. Moreover, it is economical and convenient for most city dwellers. In as much as it is not hard to practice it, one needs adequate preparation.

Vertical urban gardening is mostly suited to building walls. This however requires that the house walls are strong enough to accommodate the plants. It is easier to determine the strength of the walls by employing the services of a good engineer. On the other hand, some people do their own survey and make good judgments. One also need not worry about their fixture on the walls as most of the kits come with their own fixing devices.

The other important thing to ponder on is the soil type one would use to ensure good plant growth. It is important that the soil one uses be of good quality especially when it comes to draining water. Moreover, background information on the amount of sunlight needed is also important.

The sunlight needs of plants are different depending on the species one wants to plant. For most green and broad-leafed ones, their sunlight demands are quite high. Moreover, since most vertical urban gardening is for beauty and adding some style to homes, it is good to research on good plant types.

Water is one other important factor that would determine the success of this venture. It should be in abundance and in the right amounts. Most of the vertical urban gardening kits have their own irrigating means that ensure constant supply of water to the plants, thus do not need much individual attention. Most of the farming types people use are cascading plants as they grow close to their roots thus promote healthy growth.

Living in the cities limits one to the type of agriculture they would like to practice, but this does not mean they cannot entirely do it. There are those individuals whose passion lie in this field thus would do anything to practice it. Additionally, most of them are out to add more beauty to their homes.

Apart from provision of a good environment, beauty and style, vertical urban gardening is therapeutic in its own sense. As one tends to it, they lose all the tensions of the day and any other personal stress one may have. It is therefore a good and noble venture to undertake.

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